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    Ecosprin 75 in Pregnancy: What Every Expecting Mother Needs to Know


    Ecosprin 75 in Pregnancy: What Every Expecting Mother Needs to Know

    Updated on 3 November 2023

    Pregnancy is a time of joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of concern and worry for expecting mothers. Medications taken during pregnancy can impact both the health of the mother and the developing fetus. Ecosprin 75, also known as low-dose aspirin, is commonly used during pregnancy to prevent preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition. However, many mothers-to-be may wonder about the benefits and risks of taking Ecosprin 75 in pregnancy.

    If you have been recently prescribed Ecosprin 75 mg in pregnancy, then keep reading to know about Ecosprin 75 uses in pregnancy, its benefits, potential side effects, and its impact on neonatal health and development.

    Why are Some Women Recommended Ecosprin 75 During Pregnancy?

    Ecosprin 75 is a medication that is sometimes recommended to pregnant women to reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious condition that can negatively impact the health of both the mother and baby. If a woman is at high risk for developing preeclampsia, such as those who have experienced it before or those with gestational diabetes or high blood pressure, doctors may recommend them to take this medication throughout their first trimester.

    However, excessive amounts of Ecosprin during pregnancy can cause complications such as loss of pregnancy, congenital disabilities, premature closing of the baby's heart vessel, and brain bleeding.

    How is Preeclampsia and Intake of Ecosprin in Pregnancy Related?

    Preeclampsia is a potentially life-threatening pregnancy complication that is characterized by high blood pressure and damage to organs, most commonly the liver and kidneys. Other symptoms may include protein in urine, severe headaches, vision changes, and swelling in hands and face.

    According to a study, around 28% of pregnancies in India are affected by preeclampsia or the complications caused by its onset. Consequently, low-dose aspirin has been used during pregnancy to prevent or delay the onset of preeclampsia.

    Taking low doses of Ecosprin 75 mg in pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia and improve pregnancy outcomes. However, it is important to only take it under the guidance of a doctor and excessive amounts can be harmful.

    The updated recommendation is to initiate low-dose aspirin prophylaxis in those with a history of preeclampsia, multifetal gestation, chronic hypertension, pregestational type 1 or 2 diabetes, kidney disease, autoimmune disease, combinations of multiple moderate-risk factors, or individuals with more than one moderate-risk factor.

    What Negative Impact Can Preeclampsia Have On The Baby?

    Preeclampsia can cause risks to the fetus including lack of oxygen and nutrients, impaired fetal growth, preterm birth, stillbirth, and infant death. Infants whose mothers had preeclampsia are also at increased risk for later problems including learning disorders, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, deafness, and blindness. Infants born preterm due to preeclampsia face a higher risk of long-term health issues and may require a long hospital stay. Infants who experienced poor growth in the uterus may also have higher risks of developing diabetes, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure.

    What Factors Can Increase Your Risk of Developing Preeclampsia?

    Some factors can increase the risk of a woman developing preeclampsia during pregnancy including:

    • Women who have suffered from preeclampsia before, especially during their previous pregnancies.

    • Women who have gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.

    • Women who may be pregnant with twins or triplets or more.

    Your doctor might recommend a low dosage of Ecosprin in pregnancy if you fall in either of these below-mentioned categories:

    • You are pregnant with your first baby.

    • You suffer from obesity and/or are have numerous health complications.

    • You may be more than 35 years old.

    Ecosprin 75 Uses in Pregnancy

    Doctors can recommend women to take Ecosprin 75 in the following cases:

    Now that you know about Ecosprin 75 use in pregnancy, it is important to note that it should only be taken under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional, as it may have side effects and complications.

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    Is it Safe to Consume Ecosprin 75 in Pregnancy?

    Consuming Ecosprin doses as low as 60 to 100 mg every day is quite safe but only with your doctor's recommendation. This may be beneficial in preventing complications involving loss of pregnancy, clotting disorders as well as preeclampsia. But depending on the stage of pregnancy you are in, excessive quantities of Ecosprin in pregnancy can have a negative impact on your health.

    If you are in your first trimester, excessive quantities of Ecosprin 75 mg in pregnancy may lead to loss of a pregnancy or other congenital disabilities. Excessive Aspirin intake in your third trimester can lead to premature closing of the baby’s heart vessel, eventually resulting in further complications. If you have been taking Aspirin for quite a long time now, your baby’s brain may be more prone to bleeding.

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    Is Excessive Use of Ecosprin During Pregnancy Dangerous?

    Sometimes, taking excessive quantities of Ecosprin in pregnancy can have side effects. Studies suggest that taking too much aspirin in late pregnancy can affect the baby's heart and blood circulation. Additionally, it may also cause kidney problems, resulting in low levels of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, worsening the complications. Therefore, aspirin consumption should be avoided during pregnancy, especially after 30 weeks, unless prescribed by a doctor.

    If you are already taking Ecosprin 75 during pregnancy, consider continuing the regimen. But keep a close watch on any unusual symptoms that you may experience. Apart from that, if you are also taking other medications along with Ecosprin during pregnancy, make sure your doctor is aware of it and approves it. You may also want to follow-up with your doctor regarding Ecosprin uses in pregnancy and how long to continue taking it.


    Ecosprin 75 in pregnancy can be an effective way to reduce the risk of preeclampsia and complications caused by its onset. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. Excessive consumption of Ecosprin in pregnancy can result in complications such as fetal bleeding and impaired fetal circulation, which can lead to serious health issues. Therefore, it is essential to follow the recommended dosage guidelines and to discuss any concerns with your doctor.


    1. Xiao Y, Ling Q, Yao M, Gu Y, Lan Y, Liu S, Yin J, Ma Q. (2023). Aspirin 75 mg to prevent preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancies. NCBI

    2. Atallah A, Lecarpentier E, Goffinet F, Doret-Dion M, Gaucherand P, Tsatsaris V. (2017). Aspirin for Prevention of Preeclampsia. NCBI


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    Written by

    Madhavi Gupta

    Dr. Madhavi Gupta is an accomplished Ayurvedic doctor specializing in Medical content writing with an experience of over 10 years.

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