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    Is Curd Good for PCOS: The Ultimate Guide to Debunking Myths and Discovering Benefits


    Is Curd Good for PCOS: The Ultimate Guide to Debunking Myths and Discovering Benefits

    Updated on 21 September 2023

    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

    View Profile

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of diet and nutrition in PCOS management. One food item that often comes up in discussions is curd, also known as yogurt. But is curd good for PCOS? In this ultimate guide, we will debunk myths surrounding curd and explore its potential benefits for women with PCOS.

    Myths About Eating Curd for PCOS and the Truth Behind Them

    First, let us understand some common myths surrounding PCOS and yogurt and the truth behind them:

    Myth 1: Curd worsens PCOS symptoms

    There is a common misconception that consuming curd can worsen the symptoms of PCOS. However, this is not true. Curd is actually beneficial for women with PCOS due to its rich nutritional profile. It is a good source of calcium, protein, and probiotics, which can help improve overall health and manage PCOS symptoms. The key is to consume curd in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

    Myth 2: Curd increases weight gain in PCOS

    Weight gain is a common symptom of PCOS, and many believe that curd can contribute to further weight gain. However, curd is a low-calorie food that can be included in a PCOS diet without causing weight gain. In fact, the protein and calcium in curd can promote satiety and help control cravings, making it an excellent choice for weight management in PCOS.

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    Myth 3: Curd aggravates insulin resistance in PCOS

    Insulin resistance is a hallmark of PCOS and can lead to various health complications. Contrary to popular belief, curd does not aggravate insulin resistance. In fact, the probiotics present in curd can improve gut health and enhance insulin sensitivity. Including curd in your PCOS diet can help regulate blood sugar levels and manage insulin resistance effectively.

    Myth 4: Curd causes hormonal imbalance in PCOS

    Hormonal imbalance is a major concern for women with PCOS, and some believe that consuming curd can further disrupt hormonal levels. However, curd is a good source of probiotics, which can actually help restore the balance of gut bacteria and improve hormonal health. Including curd in your diet can have a positive impact on your hormonal balance and overall well-being.

    Myth 5: Curd should be completely avoided in PCOS

    There is a misconception that curd should be completely avoided in a PCOS diet. However, curd is a nutritious food that can provide several health benefits for women with PCOS. It is a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone health, and protein, which is important for muscle maintenance. Including curd in your PCOS diet in moderation can be beneficial for your overall health.

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    Is Curd Good for PCOS: Expert Opinion

    Many women wonder, can I eat curd in PCOS. Let’s find out.

    Curd, also known as yogurt, can be beneficial for women with PCOS. PCOS has been linked to an imbalance in gut bacteria, and consuming curd can help restore this balance and improve digestive health. It is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins B12 and D. These nutrients are important for overall health and can help support hormonal balance in women with PCOS.

    PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance and impaired glucose metabolism. Curd has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn't cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. Including curd in your diet can help regulate blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.

    While curd can be beneficial for PCOS, it's important to choose plain, unsweetened curd without any added sugars or artificial flavors. Additionally, individual responses to curd may vary, so it's recommended to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making any significant dietary changes.

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    What are the Benefits of Curd for PCOS?

    Let us understand the benefits yogurt can offer to women with PCOS:

    1. Improved Gut Health

    Curd contains probiotics that can promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This can improve digestion, reduce bloating, and enhance nutrient absorption. A healthy gut is crucial for overall well-being and can have a positive impact on PCOS symptoms.

    2. Enhanced Bone Health

    PCOS increases the risk of osteoporosis due to hormonal imbalances. Curd is a good source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Including curd in your PCOS diet can help prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

    3. Weight Management

    Curd is a low-calorie food that can help in weight management, a common concern for women with PCOS. The protein in curd promotes satiety and can help control cravings, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

    4. Blood Sugar Regulation

    PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to high blood sugar levels. The probiotics in curd can improve gut health and enhance insulin sensitivity, helping to regulate blood sugar levels and manage insulin resistance.

    5. Hormonal Balance

    Curd contains probiotics that can restore the balance of gut bacteria, which in turn can have a positive impact on hormonal balance. Including curd in your PCOS diet can help regulate hormonal levels and improve overall well-being.

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    What's the Link Between PCOS and Yogurt?

    Yogurt, a common form of curd, has been studied for its potential benefits in PCOS. Research suggests that yogurt consumption can improve insulin resistance and hormonal balance in women with PCOS. Yogurt contains probiotics that can positively influence gut bacteria, leading to improved digestion, better absorption of nutrients, and enhanced overall health.

    The calcium and protein in yogurt also contribute to its benefits for PCOS. Calcium is essential for bone health, and PCOS increases the risk of osteoporosis. Protein helps in weight management and can contribute to a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

    Including yogurt in your PCOS diet can be a healthy and nutritious choice. However, it is important to choose plain yogurt without added sugars or artificial flavors to maximize its benefits.

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    How Is Greek Yogurt Good for PCOS?

    Greek yogurt, a strained version of regular yogurt, offers additional benefits for women with PCOS. It contains higher protein content and lower carbohydrates compared to regular yogurt. This makes Greek yogurt an excellent option for managing weight and blood sugar levels in PCOS.

    The higher protein content in Greek yogurt promotes satiety, reduces hunger pangs, and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. It also aids in muscle maintenance and repair, which is essential for overall health and fitness.

    Additionally, the lower carbohydrate content in Greek yogurt helps in regulating blood sugar levels. This can be particularly beneficial for women with PCOS, as insulin resistance and high blood sugar are common concerns.

    Including Greek yogurt in your PCOS diet can provide you with the benefits of yogurt while offering an extra boost to your nutritional intake.

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    How to Eat Curd for PCOS?

    Let us now understand how to consume curd or yogurt for PCOS:

    1. Smoothies

    Blend curd with your favorite fruits and a handful of spinach for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie. You can also add a scoop of protein powder for an added protein boost.

    2. Parfaits

    Layer curd with fresh berries, nuts, and granola for a delicious and filling parfait. This makes for a healthy breakfast or snack option.

    3. Salad Dressing

    Mix curd with herbs, lemon juice, and a dash of honey to create a creamy and flavorful salad dressing. Drizzle it over your favorite salad for a nutritious and satisfying meal.

    4. Curd Rice

    Cook rice and let it cool. Mix it with curd, grated cucumber, and a tempering of mustard seeds and curry leaves for a cooling and comforting meal option.

    5. Overnight Oats

    Combine curd with oats, chia seeds, and your choice of toppings such as fruits, nuts, and honey. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator for a quick and nutritious breakfast.

    The Bottomline

    Now that we know the answer to the initial question, is curd good for PCOS, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that curd, when consumed in moderation, can be a beneficial addition to a PCOS diet. Consuming curd for PCOS can offer several health benefits such as improved gut health, enhanced bone health, weight management, blood sugar regulation, and hormonal balance. Including curd or yogurt in your diet can provide you with essential nutrients and support overall well-being.


    1. Bykowska-Derda A, Kałużna M, Garbacz A, Ziemnicka K, Ruchała M, Czlapka-Matyasik M. (2023). Intake of Low Glycaemic Index Foods but Not Probiotics Is Associated with Atherosclerosis Risk in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Life (Basel).

    2. Li T, Zhang Y, Song J, Chen L, Du M, Mao X. (2022). Yogurt Enriched with Inulin Ameliorated Reproductive Functions and Regulated Gut Microbiota in Dehydroepiandrosterone-Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Mice. Nutrients.

    3. Rajaeieh G, Marasi M, Shahshahan Z, Hassanbeigi F, Safavi SM. (2014). The Relationship between Intake of Dairy Products and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women Who Referred to Isfahan University of Medical Science Clinics in 2013. Int J Prev Med.

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    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

    View Profile

    Written by

    Anupama Chadha

    Anupama Chadha, born and raised in Delhi is a content writer who has written extensively for industries such as HR, Healthcare, Finance, Retail and Tech.

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