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    How to Choose a Toothbrush for Your Baby and Keep It Clean?

    Dental Health

    How to Choose a Toothbrush for Your Baby and Keep It Clean?

    Updated on 18 April 2023

    Oral hygiene is important for people of all ages, including babies. Proper care of baby teeth is essential for healthy development, and a baby toothbrush is an essential tool. This article will provide parents with all the information they need to choose the right baby toothbrush and keep it clean.

    Why is oral hygiene important for babies?

    Oral hygiene is essential for babies because it promotes healthy development. Baby teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth, and proper care of baby teeth can prevent dental problems in the future. Healthy teeth and gums also help babies eat and talk properly. Poor oral hygiene can lead to cavities, gum disease, and even infections that could spread to other parts of the body.

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    When to start brushing your baby's teeth?

    Parents should start brushing their baby's teeth as soon as they appear, usually around six months of age. At first, parents can use a soft finger toothbrush or damp cloth to wipe their baby's gums and teeth. As more teeth come in, parents should switch to a baby toothbrush.

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    Types of baby toothbrushes - finger toothbrush vs traditional toothbrush

    There are two types of baby toothbrushes: finger toothbrush and traditional toothbrush. Finger toothbrushes fit over the parent's finger and have soft bristles on the end. They are a good choice for infants who are just getting their first teeth and may be uncomfortable with a regular toothbrush.

    Traditional toothbrushes are similar to adult toothbrushes, but with smaller heads and softer bristles. They are a good choice for older babies and toddlers. Ultimately, the choice between a finger toothbrush and a traditional toothbrush comes down to personal preference and what works best for the parent and the baby.

    How to choose the right toothbrush for your baby?

    Choosing the right toothbrush for your baby is crucial for their oral health. Here are five steps to help you select the right toothbrush for your little one:

    1. Age-appropriate

    First, make sure the toothbrush is age appropriate. Finger toothbrushes are best for infants, while traditional toothbrushes are better for older babies and toddlers

    2. Look for soft bristles

    A baby's gums are sensitive, so it's essential to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent any damage.

    3. Choose the right size

    The size of the toothbrush head should be small enough to fit comfortably in your baby's mouth and clean their teeth effectively.

    4. Consider the handle

    Look for a toothbrush with a handle that is easy to grip and hold, especially if you will be brushing your baby's teeth for them.

    5. Opt for a fun design

    Choose a toothbrush with a fun design or character your baby likes. This can make brushing their teeth a more enjoyable experience for them.

    You can also try the Mylo Feels Natural Finger Brush for your little one. It effectively removes oral stains, milk stains, and tongue coating. It has a double-sided design, one side has soft bristles for cleaning teeth while the other side has massage bumps for gentle gum massage. You can also use the back to clean their tongue.

    Tips for cleaning a baby toothbrush

    It's essential to keep your baby's toothbrush clean to avoid the spread of bacteria. Here are some tips you can follow to keep your baby’s toothbrush clean:

    1. Rinse thoroughly

    After each use, rinse the toothbrush under running water to remove any leftover toothpaste, food particles, or bacteria.

    2. Dry properly

    After each use, rinse the toothbrush with warm water and let it air dry. A wet toothbrush can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

    3. Store properly

    Keep the toothbrush upright in a toothbrush holder or a cup with the bristles facing up. Avoid covering the toothbrush or storing it in a closed container, as this can promote the growth of bacteria.

    4. Replace regularly

    Replace the toothbrush every 3-4 months or as soon as the bristles start to fray or look worn out.

    5. Avoid sharing

    Do not share your baby's toothbrush with anyone else, even family members. Each person should have their own toothbrush to avoid the spread of germs or bacteria.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your baby's toothbrush stays clean and hygienic, helping to protect their oral health.

    You may also like: How Many Times Do You Need to Brush Your Baby’s Teeth With a Finger Toothbrush?

    How often to replace your baby's toothbrush?

    Parents should replace their baby's toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed. It's also a good idea to replace the toothbrush after your baby has been sick to avoid reinfection.


    Choosing the right toothbrush for your baby and keeping it clean is essential for healthy oral hygiene. Finger toothbrush is a good choice for infants, while traditional toothbrush is better for older babies and toddlers. Remember to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head and to replace it every three to four months. By following these simple tips, parents can help ensure their baby's healthy oral development.

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