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    Is Pregnancy After 35 Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide

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    Is Pregnancy After 35 Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide

    Updated on 9 May 2023

    Women who want to become mothers always have one thing at the back of their minds- the dreaded biological clock. What if you missed the bus for some reason in your twenties and early thirties but are now ready to become a mother? Is pregnancy after 35 right for your and your baby-to-be?

    The good news is that many women in their late 30s and 40s, especially in this day and age, are becoming pregnant and having healthy babies. A late or geriatric pregnancy also has definite positives. You are more financially secure, more experienced and mentally and emotionally ready for a child. Let us understand some potential risks you should be aware of and how to prepare for pregnancy after 35.

    What are the chances of pregnancy after 35?

    The chances of pregnancy after 35 years decrease as compared to the chances of getting pregnant in the 20s. The number of eggs in the ovaries decreases as women age, and the quality of the remaining eggs may also decline. However, it is possible to become pregnant after 35 with proper care and attention. Women over 35 may experience a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, as well as a higher risk of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and other complications. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for advice on pregnancy after 35.

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    What complications can arise in pregnancy after 35 years?

    There are a number of complications that may arise during a late pregnancy that need to be taken care of for the mother to get to a healthy delivery.

    1. Problems in conceiving

    This starts even before pregnancy. It is a known fact that fertility declines after the age of 35 and it takes longer to conceive. As you get older, you have fewer and fewer eggs and it becomes more difficult for the sperm to fertilize the egg as well. In many cases, women may have to rely on assisted reproductive technology.

    2. Preeclampsia

    Preeclampsia is a condition that is more common in pregnant women above the age of 40. It can happen either right after pregnancy or after the 20th week of pregnancy. In this complication, a woman has high blood pressure and some organs like liver and kidneys don’t function optimally. Symptoms of preeclampsia include having protein in the urine, problems in vision and severe headaches.

    3. Preterm labor

    Pregnancy after 35 years can carry an increasd risk of preterm labor. Preterm labor is when a pregnant woman's body starts getting ready for birth too early, usually before the 37th week of pregnancy. It increases the risk of premature birth, which can lead to developmental problems in the baby.

    4. Higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus

    women who become pregnant after age 35 have a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities in their fetuses. This is because a woman's eggs age along with her, and older eggs are more likely to have abnormal chromosomes. Down syndrome is one of the most well-known chromosomal abnormalities that can occur in babies born to women over 35.

    5. Miscarriage and stillbirth

    The risk of miscarriage and stillbirth does increase as women get older, with the risk being higher for women over 35. This is due to a variety of factors such as an increase in chromosomal abnormalities and other health conditions that can affect pregnancy.

    6. Need for a C-section

    It's highly likely that women who conceive after 35 years of age may require a caesarian section for delivering the baby. This is because older women are more likely to have complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as placenta previa, gestational diabetes, and high blood pressure, which may increase the likelihood of needing a c-section.

    7. Placenta previa

    Placenta previa is a condition that occurs during pregnancy when the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix. It can cause bleeding during pregnancy and is more common in women over the age of 35 years, those who have had previous cesarean deliveries or multiple pregnancies.

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    How to prepare for pregnancy after 35 to minimise the risk of these complications?

    Luckily, a lot of these complications can be easily managed and even prevented by taking proper care of yourself throughout conception and pregnancy.

    1. Manage your chronic illnesses before pregnancy

    It’s best to go to the doctor and make sure you are managing your chronic disorders even before conception. This will help you avoid unnecessary complications during your pregnancy. If you are not able to do so before pregnancy, do make it a point to do so in the early months of your pregnancy and go to an OB/GYN who is experienced in treating pregnant women with chronic diseases. A complete health checkup before conception is also a good idea, even if you don’t have any diagnosed chronic diseases.

    2. Never skip prenatal testing

    While prenatal tests are recommended for all pregnant women they are especially important for older women due to the higher risk of genetic disorders for the baby. These can be done before conception as well to rule out chances of genetic diseases. Initial prenatal tests are screening tests which will only tell you if you are high risk or low risk for a disease. If you are found to be at a high risk for some diseases you can undertake diagnostic tests like amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling to find out with certainty.

    3. Take prenatal vitamins religiously

    Prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid, is even more critical for women who plan pregnancy after 35 years. Prenatal vitamins should ideally be started before conception itself as folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects and the neural tube often starts developing even before the mother comes to know she is pregnant.

    4. Adopt a healthy and active lifestyle

    It’s very important to have a healthy lifestyle, especially if you’re planning a pregnancy after 35. Having the right diet and exercise routine will go a long way in mitigating pregnancy related complications. It’s important to gain the right amount of weight in a healthy way during pregnancy and get regular physical activity. It’s even better if you don’t wait till you’re pregnant and adopt a healthy lifestyle before conception. It goes without saying that smoking, alcohol and drugs should be avoided completed as they are especially risky for older women.

    5. There is no substitute for self-care

    Stress can be one of the biggest risk factors when you’re pregnant. Make sure you take time out small indulgences like a trip to the parlour or the movies or long walks with your partner or meditation. The happier you are the better it is for the life growing inside you.

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    The Bottomline

    In conclusion, pregnancy after 35 is a personal decision that requires careful consideration and planning. While it may come with some risks, many women have successful pregnancies and healthy babies in their late 30s and beyond. It's important to take steps to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy, such as scheduling a preconception checkup, taking prenatal vitamins, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and seeking medical care if needed.

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