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    Holi-Proof Your Skin and Hair with These 10 Natural Tips


    Holi-Proof Your Skin and Hair with These 10 Natural Tips

    Updated on 1 March 2023

    The carnival of colours- Holi is upon us and it’s time to splash gulal, unleash water fights, chug thandai and gobble gujiyas. But before the madness sets in full swing, let’s not forget to take care of our skin and hair pre- and post-Holi. Beat acne breakouts, frizzy hair, redness and irritation with these natural skin and hair care tips.

    10 Natural Tips for Holi-Proof Skin and Hair

    So, if you don’t want to look like the Holi ghost after the celebrations, here are 10 natural skin and hair care tips for you:

    1. Oiling is a must

    Dry hair tend to absorb more colour and chemicals. So, don’t forget to massage your scalp and strands with coconut oil as it will prevent the colour from entering your pores. Ideally, you should oil your hair the night before Holi. You can also apply a hair serum or conditioner on the hair ends to protect them from drying out.

    2. Don’t miss out on moisturizing

    Just as the oil will protect your hair, a moisturizer will help protect your skin. Apply a natural ingredients-based face cream with SPF on your face, neck, ear lobes and behind the ears. Once the cream has absorbed, top it with a face serum so that the colours don’t enter your pores. And slather your hands, arms, back, legs and feet with a body lotion to avoid any damage from harsh colours.

    3. For your eyes only

    Now that you have defended your skin and hair, don’t forget to protect your eyes as well. Avoid wearing contact lenses during the Holi celebrations. If you must wear them, choose glasses instead as they will protect your eyes from any colour or chemicals. Just be mindful of the edges when someone applies colour to your face.

    4. Pucker up with a lip balm

    Your lips can dry out after being treated to synthetic colours and chemicals. So, don’t forget to apply lip balm generously before you start the Holi celebrations. A lip balm will act as a protective layer over the lips and keep them from drying out and becoming chapped as well.

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    5. Extend care to your nails

    Nails are often the body parts we tend to neglect the most. But let’s be honest, nobody likes to see those black, green and magenta-coloured nails the day after Holi celebrations. So, coat your nails with nail paint to give them a protective coat. And be extra conscious of your nail extensions.

    6. Sartorial defence

    The more you cover your body, the more area you can protect from colours. Choose dark-coloured, cotton and full-sleeve clothing for your Holi party. Avoid wearing synthetics and denim as they will get sticky and heavy after you’ve had a bucket of water splashed over you.

    7. Staying hydrated

    Your skin and hair feed off the water you drink. So, one of the best skin and hair care tips for this Holi is to stay hydrated. Drink gallons of water before you start playing Holi and even during the celebrations, stay hydrated with cool drinks and Thandai. Just be careful that you don’t accidentally sip some colour.

    8. Avoid beauty treatments pre-Holi

    Skin and hair treatments need extra care and caution for the first few days and your skin and hair tend to remain extra sensitive as well. So, it's best to avoid chemical peels, micro-blading, bleaching, laser treatments and rebonding at least a week before Holi.

    9. Launch post-Holi cleanse

    If your pre-Holi defence was strong, you won’t need to spend hours in the shower scrubbing colour from your skin and hair. Just use a face wash that works like a scrub to remove the colours from your face. Choose an ubtan body wash to gently remove the colours from your body.

    Once you have gotten rid of the colours, soothe your skin with an aloe vera gel and get rid of any irritation, redness or dryness. You can also spray on some skin toner for a refreshing and cooling effect.

    10. Revive your tresses

    Now, it’s time for the streams of colour to exit your hair. Choose a natural and toxin-free shampoo to gently cleanse your hair and strengthen the strands post-Holi damage. And don’t forget to restore their shine and softness with a conditioner. And for easy detangling later, use a hair serum.

    Bring the house down and have a blast of colours with these pre- and post-Holi tips in your skin and hair arsenal.

    Happy Holi from MyloFamily to you and your Family!

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    Mylo Bestie

    Mylo Bestie is that naughty, funny soulmate who lightens your life and whom you can tell your deepest secrets!

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