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    Blood tests in Early Pregnancy  

    Prenatal Tests

    Blood tests in Early Pregnancy  

    Updated on 3 November 2023


    Pregnant mothers must regularly get medical check-ups done. This ensures good health for both the mother and her unborn child. Moreover, these tests can also detect foetal complications in advance. Doctors can determine the course of action accordingly. If necessary, they may medically intervene to make sure the child has a healthy birth.

    One of the earliest and most vital among these tests are blood tests. A pregnant mother must undergo a few tests in the early stages of her pregnancy. Pregnancy tests during the first trimester (The first 3 months of a normal pregnancy) are vital to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

    Can Blood Tests Detect Early Pregnancy?

    In the case of ectopic pregnancy (where the fertilised egg grows outside the uterus), or when the fertilised egg is only 2-4 weeks old, the foetus might go undetected in an ultrasound. In such cases, a blood test to detect early pregnancy is a must.

    This blood test for HCG levels in early pregnancy detects the levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced in the initial stages of pregnancy. The pregnancy blood test results are usually generated within 12-24 hours.

    Blood Tests Prescribed During Early Pregnancy

    Once the pregnancy is confirmed and the mother wants to proceed with it, she will be prescribed several tests, including a pap smear, pelvic exam, etc. Listed below is a pregnancy profile test list:

    1. Rh (rhesus factor), which indicates the mother's blood group.

    1. Anaemic tendencies.

    1. Immunity to Rubella (a form of measles).

    1. Infections or infectious diseases (such as Syphilis and Hepatitis B).

    1. Various STDs, including HIV.

    Genetic Testing During First Trimester

    Expecting mothers might be wondering “should I get genetic testing during my pregnancy” and the answer to that is a resounding yes! Genetic testing is crucial as it helps diagnose genetic abnormalities before childbirth. This is even more critical in pregnancies where either or both parents have a family history of genetic diseases.

    Here are some genetic diseases that can be detected during early pregnancy:

    • Cystic fibrosis

    • Thalassemia

    • Haemophilia A

    • Sickle cell disease

    • Polycystic kidney disease.

    How are the Blood Tests Done?

    All of these tests are nearly painless and can be done at once. A medical professional would draw blood from the mother’s arms to collect the blood sample. In case the mother is apprehensive about needles, it would help to inform the doctor beforehand. This way, necessary arrangements can be made to ensure the entire procedure is comfortable.

    How are the Results Disclosed?

    Women can access the test results during their next OBGYN visit. All results are confidential, and doctors would also explain in detail what each result means and if there is anything to worry about. It is recommended that new mothers have an open conversation with their doctor and clear all their doubts. Pregnancy, especially for a first-time mother, can be an unfamiliar and overwhelming experience. That is why it is crucial to be thorough with all medical details.

    In case there are any risk factors, the doctor would inform the woman what options are available for them and if they need to get tested for anything else. If there is a serious health concern, the doctor might even suggest the mother terminate the pregnancy. However, termination - medical (through an oral pill) or surgical - occurs only when the mother fully consents to it.

    Blood Tests During Pregnancy Week by Week

    Here is a quick guide to all the blood tests prescribed for a pregnant woman, divided by weeks:

    Between 11-13 weeks: Maternal serum tests to detect pregnancy-associated plasma protein and the HCG levels in the mother’s blood.

    Between 16-18 weeks: Measures the level of AFP (amniotic fluid protein) and the hormones estriol and inhibin in the mother’s blood.

    Between 24-28 weeks: A glucose test checks the mother’s blood sugar levels, as an unusually high level of blood sugar can be a sign of gestational diabetes.

    Between 35-37 weeks: GBS (Group B streptococcus - harmful bacteria) testing for diseases like pneumonia and meningitis.


    Thinh Phu Nguyen. July 2022. MDPrenatal Tests: First Trimester.

    WebMD Editorial Contributors. December 04, 2020. First Trimester Tests During Pregnancy

    Johns Hopkins Team.Common Tests During Pregnancy

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    sakshi prasad

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