
In this Article

    Spider Veins: Meaning, Causes & Management

    Varicose Veins

    Spider Veins: Meaning, Causes & Management

    Updated on 6 December 2022

    Pregnancy is a rollercoaster journey, full of strange symptoms and body changes. One such weird pregnancy symptom you may notice during your pregnancy is spider veins. These thread-like veins, usually on your thighs or the back of your legs, are scary to look at but mostly harmless. In this article, we will discuss what are spider veins, what causes spider veins and how to manage them.

    What are Spider Veins?

    Spider veins are blue or purple veins that can occur during pregnancy on a woman’s ankles, legs, or face. They don't cause any serious pain but can make your legs feel heavier. The skin around the spots created by spider veins can also feel itchy. Spider veins, like varicose veins, are very common during pregnancy and around 3-4 women out of 10 develop spider veins when they are pregnant.

    Are Spider and Varicose veins the same thing?

    A common way to differentiate between Spider and Varicose veins is that Varicose veins are more swollen, larger, and can be seen and felt right under the surface of your skin in comparison Spider veins are smaller and not nearly as swollen and cannot be felt. Varicose veins are caused by malfunctioning valves in your veins while spider veins can be caused due to a variety of factors.

    What causes spider veins during pregnancy?

    Usually, the valves in our veins push blood towards the heart. However, sometimes the valves weaken and don't close correctly. This can cause the blood to leak back into the bottom of the veins and build up. Over time, the wall of the veins weakens and grows larger, causing spider veins to appear.

    During pregnancy, the blood volume inside the body increases and creates significant pressure on the blood vessels. Additionally, the expanding uterus also adds pressure on the veins. This can cause the small veins to swell, putting pregnant women at a greater risk for spider veins. Moreover, genetics also play an important role. if your mother or sister had spider veins or varicose veins, then you're likely to develop them too.

    How can you prevent or manage spider veins?

    Here are some steps you can follow to minimize the development and spread of spider veins:

    1. Increase fibre in your diet

    Ensure that you get enough high-fibre foods in your diet as constipation can contribute to swollen veins. A healthy digestion system will prevent any unwanted pressure on your circulatory system which is a major cause of spider veins. If you're not able to add enough fibre naturally consider a fibre supplement like psyllium husk.

    2. Eat Vitamin-C rich foods

    Your body uses Vitamin C to manufacture elastin and collagen which help your body to repair and maintain veins. Collagen and elastin are two important connective tissues that help repair and maintain veins.

    3. Light workouts are important

    While strenuous activities should be avoided during your pregnancy, light workouts like walking help improve and maintain muscle strength, blood circulation, and the health of your veins. Exercise also helps you control your weight gain and keep it gradual.

    4. Sit comfortably

    Avoid sitting with your legs crossed, or putting your legs on your floor without any support as this restricts blood flow. Instead, try to keep your legs at an elevation that helps circulation in your legs and body.

    5. Walking is beneficial, standing is not

    Light exercise like walking is beneficial but simply standing on your feet is not. Avoid standing by either walking or taking a seat.

    6. Sleeping differently

    Sleeping on the left side with a pillow wedged between your legs and behind your back is known to increase the blood flow back to your heart.

    While during your pregnancy spider veins may be troubling. Therefore, keep in mind that spider veins are usually a temporary side effect of the pregnancy and after 3-4 months of delivery, they go away.

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    Written by

    Shaveta Gupta

    An expert in content marketing, Shaveta is an alumnus of IIT, Bombay, she knows what the audience is looking for. Mother of a 6 year old, she has been instrumental in planning the content strategy at Mylo.

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