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    Are FSH (Urofollitropin) Injections an Effective and Safe Fertility Treatment For You?


    Are FSH (Urofollitropin) Injections an Effective and Safe Fertility Treatment For You?

    Updated on 28 September 2023

    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

    View Profile

    What is FSH Injection or Urofollitropin Injection?

    FSH Injection, also known as Urofollitropin Injection, is a medication used in fertility treatments. It contains follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is a hormone naturally produced in the body. FSH plays a crucial role in the development and maturation of eggs in women and sperm production in men. In cases where there is a deficiency of FSH, FSH injections can be administered to stimulate the ovaries or testes and enhance fertility.

    What are some common Urofollitropin Injection uses?

    Mentioned below are the common uses of Urofollitropin Injection:

    1. Treats infertility due to poor follicular development

    One of the primary uses of FSH injections is to treat infertility caused by poor follicular development. FSH stimulates the growth and development of follicles in the ovaries. When there is a deficiency of FSH, the ovaries may not produce enough mature eggs for fertilization. FSH injections can help overcome this deficiency and increase the chances of successful conception.

    2. Helps ovaries to produce more eggs

    FSH injections can also be used to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. In some cases, women may have a lower egg reserve or diminished ovarian function, making it difficult to conceive naturally. By administering FSH injections, the ovaries are encouraged to produce multiple follicles, increasing the chances of obtaining healthy eggs for fertilization.

    3. Stimulates growth and development of follicles

    The primary purpose of FSH injections is to stimulate the growth and development of follicles within the ovaries. Follicles are small sacs that contain eggs, and they need FSH to mature properly. FSH injections provide the necessary hormonal support to ensure that follicles grow and develop as they should, increasing the likelihood of successful ovulation and pregnancy.

    4. Increases chances of pregnancy

    By addressing poor follicular development and promoting follicle growth, FSH injections significantly increase the chances of pregnancy. The injection helps to optimize the conditions necessary for successful conception. When combined with other fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), FSH injections can further enhance the chances of a successful pregnancy.

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    What's the difference between FSH 75 Injection and FSH 150 Injection?

    FSH injections are available in different dosages, such as FSH 75 and FSH 150. The main difference between the two is the concentration of FSH in each injection. FSH 75 contains 75 international units (IU) of FSH, while FSH 150 contains 150 IU of FSH. The choice of dosage depends on various factors, including the individual's age, medical history, and response to initial treatments. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage for you, based on all these factors.

    Are there any side effects of FSH injection?

    As with any medication, FSH injections can have potential side effects. The most common side effects of the FSH injection include injection site reactions, such as redness, swelling, or pain. Some women may also experience abdominal discomfort or bloating due to the stimulation of the ovaries. In rare cases, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can occur, which is characterized by severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and rapid weight gain. It is essential to discuss potential side effects with your doctor and seek medical attention if you experience any severe symptoms.

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    1. When is FSH injections given?

    FSH injections are typically given as part of a carefully planned fertility treatment cycle. The timing of administration will depend on various factors, including the individual's menstrual cycle and the treatment protocol recommended by the doctor. FSH injections are usually initiated on specific days of the menstrual cycle to optimize follicle development and ovulation. The duration of treatment can vary from person to person but typically lasts around 7-14 days. Your doctor will provide specific instructions on when and how to administer the injections.

    2. Does FSH injection improve egg quality?

    While FSH injections primarily focus on stimulating follicle development, they can indirectly improve egg quality. By promoting the growth of multiple follicles, FSH injections increase the chances of obtaining mature and healthy eggs. The quality of eggs is essential for successful fertilization and implantation. FSH injections help optimize the conditions necessary for high-quality eggs to develop, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.


    FSH (Urofollitropin) injections can be an effective and safe fertility treatment for individuals with poor follicular development or other fertility-related issues. These injections help stimulate the ovaries, promote follicle growth, and increase the chances of successful conception. FSH injections come in different dosages, and potential side effects should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Proper timing and administration of FSH injections are crucial for optimal results.


    1. Taketani Y, Kelly E, Yoshimura Y, Hoshiai H, Irahara M, Mizunuma H, Saito H, Andoh K, Yanaihara T.(2010). Recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (follitropin alfa) versus purified urinary follicle-stimulating hormone in a low-dose step-up regimen to induce ovulation

    2. Lenton E, Soltan A, Hewitt J, Thomson A, Davies W, Ashraf N, Sharma V, Jenner L, Ledger W, McVeigh E.(2010).Induction of ovulation in women undergoing assisted reproductive techniques: recombinant human FSH (follitropin alpha) versus highly purified urinary FSH (urofollitropin HP).

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    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

    View Profile

    Written by

    Anandita Sharma

    Drawing on more than a decade of expertise in administration, Anandita Sharma currently serves as a content operations e

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